Voteworthy Candidates
Renee Garner
Life-long Matthews resident, mother of two children in CMS schools, artist and community activist seeking a third term as town Commissioner. She regularly prepares for town meetings with extensive additional research and provides thoughtful commentary vital to informed decision making. Her shared experiences have helped our Board deliver affordable, inclusive, and family-friendly decisions on a wide range of topics.
Ken McCool
Another life-long Matthews resident seeking a third term on the Matthews Town Board. Although comparatively young, he brings a mature perspective to town deliberations. Ken’s passion for attainable housing resulted in a vote to earmark ARPA funding for that purpose, and his passion for parks and outdoor preservation also helped ensure additional green spaces are preserved for current and future generations to enjoy.
Jeff Miller
Has served Matthews for fourteen years as a Commissioner working with four different Mayors. An early advocate of our greenway network and public art throughout Matthews, Jeff has served with distinction on our Economic Development Leadership Team and Parks and Recreation Committee. Jeff shows up prepared, with objective questions, ready to listen to topical debate—dedicated to finding the best solution possible. He is an independent thinker and problem solver with a wealth of experience will be a great asset to our next Board.
John Urban
Uniquely qualified to continue his service to the Town of Matthews for a seventh term as a Commissioner, John is a local business owner and architect. He has a skill set that is vitally important when the board evaluates the merits of buildings’ scale, design and placement. John is a team player and deliberate in his approach to all board matters. His thoughtful recommendations through the years have delivered better neighborhoods and commercial developments than would have otherwise been realized.
Mayor John Higdon
Is running for his third term as Mayor. Running unopposed for the second time is a testament to John’s leadership and vision for Matthews. John is dedicated to environmental initiatives such as park expansion and tree preservation for the future of Matthews. He is a leader’s leader, ready to take the helm while integrating the needs of Matthews residents and their representatives’ opinions.
David Wieser
Has volunteered extensively in our community, serving has President of the Brightmoor Homeowner’s Association, and for five and three years respectively on the Matthews Planning Board and Board of Adjustment. No other non-incumbent candidate has this wealth of planning and zoning knowledge which will allow David to immediately contribute to wise decision making when elected. David is committed to thoughtful and intentional consensus building; his is a leadership style well-suited for the Board of Commissioners.